Leftover Garlic Clove? This Is How You Grow Your Own Garlic

Leftover garlic clove? This is how to grow your own garlic

It’s easier than you think!

Does a recipe require one clove of garlic, but then you end up using four? Then you’ll be out of garlic in no-time. You can then choose to buy new ones each time, or you can grow it yourself!
Season to plant it

Most people are busy with their vegetable garden in the spring. Not surprisingly, most seeds of vegetables and fruits should be in the ground at this time. Garlic, however, is different. It is best grown in the fall, between September and November. Although it is also possible in the spring, the thing is that garlic flowers a little faster then.

Choosing the clove

We already mentioned that you only need one clove to grow your own garlic. You do have to search for a good clove. Although you can get by with a smaller one, it is best to choose a clove that is as large as possible. Logically, these also produce the larger bulbs of garlic. And that, of course, is what we all want!


To grow your own garlic, you don’t need that much. Just a clove of garlic (or several, if you want to grow several bulbs), potting soil, water and space to plant. You can do this in a vegetable garden, but you can also do it in a large pot on your balcony.

Wondering how best to proceed? We’ll tell you on the next page!

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